Our Vision.
Our Vision.
Dear fellow Outsiders, I hope you're having a fantastic day. 😊
I'm writing to share with you a brief reminder of why we're doing what we're doing, and where we're planning to go. As a valued team member, you deserve this information!
First off, most businesses (like ours) set their roadmap based on 3️⃣ key ingredients:
A mission statement: A mission statement exists to define our purpose.
A vision statement: A vision statement exists to provide an aspirational declaration of what we plan to achieve. If our mission statement is the map, our vision statement is the destination.
Core values: Core values exist to serve as the guideposts to our mission. These are the fundamental beliefs that guide the decisions and actions of our organization.
If you've chosen to work with us, it's important that you're familiar with each of these, since they drive all decisions that we make as a team. 👇
So what are Team Outsider's Mission, Vision, and Values?
➡️ Our MISSION is to be the most hospitable team in the world.
➡️ Our CORE VALUES: (#1, we put our team first). You can find the other five here.
➡️ Our VISION: We haven't talked much about this (frankly, it's taken us some time to see it as clearly as we do today). So I'm excited to share with you, now, our vision -- what we as a team are working to achieve. 🥁🥁🥁 Our vision is to prove to the world that by delivering extraordinary hospitality to their team members and guests, businesses can outperform their competition.
The idea of "outperforming" is CRITICAL here, because until we outperform our competition, our belief that hospitality can serve as a competitive advantage is just a bunch of words on a page. So what does outperforming look like? 🏆
Better financial results. That means running a business that is more profitable than our peers. Generating more revenue + fewer unnecessary expenses = better results. Every single person on our team has the ability to impact this.
Turning more of our team members into raving fans. That's you! We will be continuing to work as a home office to provide you with a job that you can feel proud of and an environment you feel supported by. We will be measuring this regularly, and with your feedback, improving your experience to ensure we achieve our goal.
Turning more of our guests into raving fans: I've never understood why a business would seek to provide anything other than a stellar experience to its guests. When we provide them with extraordinary hospitality, they leave us a 5-star review, they tell their friends about us, and the come back and see us again. Our goal? More of that. We measure whether we're achieving this a few ways, one of which is our Google Score. You can see this for your location any time, and like our financial results, every single person on our team has the ability to impact this metric.
Does it sound like our vision will be easy to achieve? I can assure you that it won't be. Because in order for us to achieve our vision, ALL THREE of the success metrics listed above must prove true. If we have the happiest guests, but we don't have the happiest team, fail. If we have the happiest team, but we don't have the best financial results, fail. You get the point -- it's going to be tough, and it's going to be a journey. But, with your focus and commitment to our mission and values, I feel confident that we'll get there. If you're choosing to be on Team Outsider, know that this is what we're about.
One final note: You may have picked up on the fact that our vision uses the word "their" instead of "our". That distinction is an important one. Ultimately, what we are doing is not about us. It's about inspiring the millions of other businesses out there TO DO BETTER. And by showing them that this formula works (formula: by delivering extraordinary hospitality to their team members and guests, businesses can outperform their competition), I am very confident we can do just that! We're the case study. With your support, I'm excited to bring our vision to life, and to watch businesses everywhere feel inspired by the acts of each of you. 🚀
With warm hospitality,
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